Carbon Footprint Offsetters (CFO) affiliated companies started off developing renewable energy projects in 2005 and quickly identified that revenues from the carbon offsets these projects would produce was needed to make them economically feasible. Hence CFO was created to certify the offsets, source other Gold Standard offsets and distribute them to individuals and businesses.
Carbon Footprint Offsetters (CFO) now promotes awareness of ways to measure and reduce your carbon footprint. We have Pinchin Enviromental Ltd trained staff that are able to conduct Green House Gas (GHG) evaluations in compliance with the International accepted ISO 14064 std.
One of the best ways to reduce carbon production is not to produce any to begin with. By choosing to produce energy using renewable and sustainable sources of fuel that do not produce any GHG’s. CFO walks the talk and is an experienced developer owner and operator of grid connected solar and wind energy projects in Ontario, Canada.
In addition we support other renewable energy project developers through our consulting service. With our knowledge, experience and ability to understand / utilize the Feed In Tariff (FIT) program controlled by the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) we are able to improve the likely hood of obtaining a 20 year Power Purchase contract with the IESO.